Cardamom is not eating the benefits that you know, that it will become your favorite food
Lahore (Web Desk) Green cardamom is commonly used in homes in the Asian countries, including India and its numerous advantages hyn.ryast Mysore cardamom is perfect. It is found in almost all countries of the world. In Urdu and Hindi is called little cardamom or green cardamom and kardamum in English. Small cardamom big benefit plans of which the following are a few.
Digestive: Use hmuzn mix of fennel and cardamom after meals is very helpful to digest food. Is advantageous in increasing obesity and stomach, nourishing the stomach is removed, it is acidic. Reduce the sleepy of intoxication while controlling the amount of water in the stomach prevents Riyāh born. Indigestion with, in the gas and put the patient cardamom tea for headaches, is very helpful to drink. Cardamom is laaly membrane strengthens the stomach, it is panacea for acidity. It is chewed in the mouth to increase the saliva, which is of fundamental importance to digest food. In most types of ulcers is also beneficial. Enter the following mixture is useful in evaporation and ulcers.
Use powder evaporation: cardamom, fennel, cyan tya lion India, ksnyz hmuzn intends to take a tablespoon tea powder is after every meal. Sap-feeding of cardamom in the event of cholera and diarrhea is very useful. Cardamom food anti-diarrhea and weakness amaamyn very useful. Ready to grind the cardamom food all three grams, three grams mstgy tba tiger Roman nugram three grams and Chinese medicine powder and use half a tea spoon with water two to three times a day rkrna very useful. If your breath does not even try to remember despite the use of anti-hyktryl cardamom it boasts features and suppresses the smell of odoriferous mouth. This system improves digestion and digestive disorders are a major cause mouth odor.
The other patient cardamom and CDs DESIRED Ltd mouth ulcers, mouth blisters, diphtheria has been used in medicine zrur ggany in tanslz etc. Half teaspoon of cardamom powder admiring looks into the mouth smell the stench of sweat from constant use. Cardamom to relieve the disorders increased blood duration of colds, flu, cough lungs, asthma is also very helpful to expel the mucus. Half teaspoon of powder in the food two to three times benefited from depression, other mental and psychological disorders strysaaur cardamom compounds rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium, it is a health treasure for blood altrulayts. These components are in the blood and improve blood pressure control
Cardamom is not eating the benefits that you know, that it will become your favorite food

Tag: Health care
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