Future technology
(Maheen Usman,)
While the world is changing rapidly hy.mujudh growth over five years to most Americans hy.msla part of their everyday life electrical and electronic equipment in the development of human history, only krdya.rngyn Telecom television eighteen years of hard work to pry.muba Mobile phones and laptops are generally a period of twenty years to reach a lga.mgr hy.dnya still do not have the faster your color to its place in human life hy.tbdyly the change is to be the education, agriculture, energy, banking, healthcare and even fashion in the coming hy.dnya rapid change does not have any segments which changes could not occur endeavor technique changes (Technology) already owe.
Some emerging techniques ((Technologies that in the next few years will convey a lofty human life briefly described here are being
It 1.bg data (Big Data): aka Big data is a term used for those data packets whose talents volume than traditional databases (Data Bases) displeasure to the sense of big data in the last few years. Big data hyn.ab been completely transformed not only data but also all the tools to have that data stored and processed hyn.mktlf institutions are required quantity of data generated daily by endless scenes these data were increasing. the contrast is becoming less from year to year costs incurred to protect the Big data was possible thanks hy.ssku (CISCO) acknowledges that the 2017 Big data fifty ( 50) will become a billion dollar industry and investments of big data to 2020 and seventy-five (75) will reach five billion dollars to 85 billion dollars.
2.thry D printing 3D: (3D Printing) Printing support digital files in the computer (Digital Files) used a special printer which is manufactured item contains a three angles using. These items are made from metal to plastic even going to be used in the manufacture of various objects present in human cells. 3D printing is being used in all walks of life, including health, fashion, atuandstry. 3D printing industry three point one (1.3) reached the billion-dollar a year industry that thirty-five (35) percent is growing fast fashion and organ 3D objects in the scene in 2015. It is expected that the 2020 three-D printed (3 D Printed) and will be an internal organ.
3.msnuay intelligence (Artificial Intelligence): artificial intelligence (AI) Robotics (Robotics) to be used in industry, the most important item. Present in artificial intelligence robot churhy natural intelligence of humans is expected that they will also think, understanding and skills to feel like human robots in the next few years.
4.mymz (MEMS): Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) some mechanical devices which consists of micro-computers (Mechanical Instruments) as the valve (Valve), pump (Pump), gear ( gear) etc. are applied. there is a mini robot MEMS (mini Robot). It is expected that an extensive collection of MEMS in 2016 will also be available in the health sector.
5.bayyu Technology (Bio-Technology): The biotechnology is also known as organisms (Biology). The fruit of biotechnology is that the cellular system (Cells System) to the extent that it has such a product being developed that could improve the lives of creatures living in this world. Biotechnology is still in its early days but is expected in the near future, biotechnology will be able to set the fastest progress. Today, thanks to biotechnology are being tskyz treat incurable diseases, and that the person has to take measures to improve the environment.
Future technology

Tag: Technology world news
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