Bollywood King Shah Rukh Khan has been given an actress but she can not be retracted back into the fun pictures, and now he declared himself elected most Kobe Town "futujynk fees".
According to Indian media reports, Bollywood Shahrukh Khan adakarsa the industry futugrafrzky favorite adakarhyn jumktlf ways do they help them take the best pictures that they would like feedback krmzyd put in your photos.
During a ceremony that asked adakarsy the sounds most "futujynk" adakarky most of them said that in his view "futujynk" They are my own. Futujynk is juuysy they have many, many things that seem simple but looks great in the pictures and that's me. Recalling a renowned photographer actor said "Ratnani dip" in India they make my pictures better, but all the guys are pretty basic as life in pictures
The actor in his upcoming film "rais" promotion this month that would adorn the homes Cinema January 25
Bollywood may be the most "futujynk", Shah Rukh Khan

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