Bollywood Pakistani actress mahrh Khan and Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming film "prince" of the 2 songs have already been released, which like all the fans of the film, however, has a aurgana rylyzkrdya.
According to Indian media reports, Pakistan and India are waiting to film the fans around the world "rais" Lila 2 songs "Lila is going to release the month" and "auzalma" rylyzhucky including but with two songs to release the has caused waves.
Read the report: Shahrukh Khan's film and music releases and mahrh chief
Now a aurgana "Uri Uri, the heart Kites" film, which also rylyzkrdya mahrh aursa the adjutant Rukh Khan in the best way, both have been seen "garba" mshurluk adakargany dance in the Indian state of Gujarat.
Shahrukh aur mahrh of Uri Uri to heart kite

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