The team's defeats vortex
(Wisal Khan, Karachi)
Pakistan cricket world a aysabhy unto, Pakistan team last term has stuck failures bhnurmyn last aysyaty anticipate cup and its immediate badurldty anticipate Cup in poor prfamns while embarrassing ranked ODI kusayqyn Test team inversely based were prbhul No. team became mgryh been extremely mktsrrhadurh England though dutyst match defeat baujuddudumyc won the mgryh performance ODI poor performance kaandazh was also lgayajasktahy that anglyndjysy team Pakistan of two sight ODI team due to poor prfamns one day after the date kasib won syryznasrf give bramjmuah setting dyadurh England badyuay e grawndzpruyst andyzsy three famyts but against his series Speaking of high performance were fired Dongria the daduthsyn from kyagyajs drives players in the bhtrbnayy aurtym their performance team truly team see an the home grawndsyryzmyn final Test as expected, team Pakistan bundled and its badharkaayk series started last hugyajuabhy West Indies against home series consistently match winning prtym usual relaxed kind of built the prakry test harnaprayh team in is the series performers opposing team from the get badtym calm the aursyryzjyt takes away athakrfth that some series were the last harprtnqydky nstrbrsayy of huatym that some aysaglt was jutym the series scrambling see an end to Pakistan Test response the aysamhsus match the team is completely win the series with Pakistan and its morale on hdblndhyn the Estimates last match Pakistan kujytnacahyy expeditions to far bhtrandazmyn West Indies team that horse team carrying massive evil wickedness overwhelmed good good player forgot your game bowlers win Winding Where there once and grnjany betting the England team are khugyy tournament syryzkuagrch hard syryzkhajarhathamgrpakstany fans were hrgznh expect former cricket starzkuatny bad performance tournament runs though Bouncy moved prbytsmynun kumsklat kasamnarhtahy tournament Bouncy wickets prhmysh Fast bawlrzkamyabyan Wasim dignified 1993 in performance Pakistani fans how bhlaskty cricket pragrch batsman occur scrambling to rnzbnany mgrfast bowlers high errors behind the performance of the team goes to the start of the test's bowlers made good kardgy show raised lyndkudunun anngzmyn braskurkrny not dyamgrbytng line with its tradition the poor performance of which bawlrzky hard the water phrgyaauryun phlatyst New Zealand could not bowl the yasrsah expected, although a large margin yasrsah corner team feeding the wrong decision of the winning Management Test kuazhdnqsan huaphly test mgranky bowling a New Zealand batsman rnzkylyy scrambling see an their bowling agrnh the tunyuzy yasrsah kubahrbthakrnyuzy lyndky team won the second match in lyndbraskurbnany kubraskurkrny kaasan opportunity krdyagyajsy spoil the krkyuy batsmen made good smashing the Pakistani bowlers aurskurburdpratny rnzsjalyy viewing krpakstany shaking legs batsmen they fortified them wickets fall falling like old leaves, tucl and I 'ualaslslh running nklaauryun Test top team only that syryzdusfrsy bundled, but that no aysyyn team series in their position known without hunapraasky badastrylyajysamskl visiting team kamntzrthajhan history I expect this team does not succeed simply a rkhnakh the histories kark murdygy pipe dream for qrardyajasktahy match tupakstany team facing humiliating defeat I won easily mgrphly international Test match is the old way of bowling here aurastrylyaky 490 match in reply, Pakistan 450 rnzbnakrawt was the asdsfyq Century thanks to the victory of amydpydahugyy mgrdygrbytsmyn responsibility for nbhasky agrazhraly Khan in aurmsbah to one player Century prfamns to be successful hujatatuyqynataryk money Aslam kunjany the performance of bnaprsan msaudprtrjyh being that are associated with the team when a performance is also President failed to give them krsan msaudkumuqa send domestic babraazm learning ability peak current Except the failure to take advantage of bounces pczprapny capabilities while kaskarhyn coach asdzrurt to work on Mickey arthrkuan Australia's batsmen always see an ducarhy failure so the team does not play kabytsmyn thinking that krkhylnahugasynyyrbytsmyn location kuphcanyn astrlyaky current involving batsman Younis Khan to avoid kumzydhzymtun disgrace amyzskstun Except the attention auranhmak which they are able rnzkapharkhrakrny Pakistan captain Misbah kuzmy the solicited by the anahugaaurshyh sense cheerleading from the Front kakrdaradakrnahugaazhraly, Younis aurmsbah Haq who scored juhrqsm of kndysnzsy do not apnasany to harmonize these players if benefit from their experience and raise their batting style aurusya tukb raise?
The team's defeats vortex

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