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          » »Unlabelled » Reduce the amount of salt in the diet prevents many diseases, research
          urdu vision

          Boston: Experts suggest that many diseases that can be prevented by reducing the amount of salt in food and thus can save millions of lives each year worldwide.
          The study of salt, which can save costs by $ 3 billion annually in the US alone, 400 mg should be reduced in everyday use if the city has been a recent tft University in Boston salt can be spent on the treatment of diseases caused. According to the study, if the chips could be reduced to a pack that has a positive effect on her life and can increase the lifespan of only 200 mg of salt can be saved to reduce the millions of lives because of the use of salt various life threatening diseases that cause.
          Based on the British and American experts plan a 10 percent salt for 10 years in 183 countries. Each country is pushing to reduce salt in your health policy disease (heart disease and blood pressure) can be used to reduce the 58 million working days being

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